We need more Sasquatch costumes running around on Halloween night. It’s time to unleash the Bigfoot armies this season. To help determine the greatest Bigfoot costume on the market, I employed a panel of like-minded pundits to share their opinions on these great pieces! There are plenty of epic Sasquatch suits, but these will take your evening up a few notches.
There are only a few costumes out there that are actually marketed as “Bigfoot.” I think we can all agree that this mythic being is some form of upright hairy-ape or hairy-man. Thus, I have included ape-inspired costumes in the pageant as well. Why not? Isn’t that what Bigfoot is? A gorilla standing up? I don’t think your friends will mind the deception. As long as there’s ONE Bigfoot costume in your group, you will enjoy a successful night.
Special thanks to the following sites for great contributions:
Lindsey Goddard from dirtylittlehorror.com
Sam from thehauntedhousewife.com
Without further ado: the contestants for the first annual Bigfoot Costume Halloween Pageant extravaganza. Have a look at these hairy beauties.
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Contestants for the Bigfoot Costume Pageant:
Contestant 1: Mr. SquatchNasty
From: California Costumes
Size: One size
Material: 100% Polyster
Click here for price
I see this Bigfoot costume more than just about any others on the internet. Despite the regularity, the mask is unique. The design is kind-of skeletal with giant cheek bones, a wrinkly cone-head, flowing red locks, and a fixed, baked-bean toothed smirk that screams, “let’s Squatch on the dance floor.”
The full-blown polyester will keep you content on a cold Halloween night. A humid October night will roast you alive though, so be aware. The wirey skeleton hands and bulbous, tuber-like feet and toes check the ‘grotesque’ box on your Halloween garb. If your purchase-intentions are more sinister than just Halloween, this Bigfoot costume might not be the best for hoaxing endeavors.
Judge Reviews:
The Crypto Creep:
This is the best mask, gloves, and feet I’ve seen so far. But I see all of the work was removed from the body and instead they just pinned together a shag rug from the 1960’s. 4/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Wow. This is scary as heck. I love, love, love the feet, but the face looks like a mix between Bigfoot and the Cryptkeeper. Or maybe Zombie Bigfoot. If I bumped into this guy in a dark corner at a party, I would make a beeline for the nearest patch of light. Super freaky!The Haunted Housewife:
Now this is your standard, realistic Bigfoot costume! I may have a hard time determining whether the creature before me is a human in a costume, or—dare I say it!— the real thing. It’s either a “Who spiked the punch?” night or a “What’s that terrible animal smell?” night. Surprise meCryptids-are-out-there:
Absolutely disgusting. Crusty af and inspires the same kind of fear you get from looking at old, white politicians. Bottom line: This Bigfoot looks like it wants to take away my reproductive rights and I don’t trust him. 0/10

Contestant 2: Irritated Bigfoot Suit
From: Fun World
Size: Adult One size
Material: 100% Polyster
Click here for price
The face is a little more reminiscent of an agitated Abraham Lincoln or Stanley Kubrick than what the populous identifies as Bigfoot. An angry man as opposed to an angry ape. It is interesting to see how each manufacturer presents their own “Bigfoot,” boiling down to one of those core questions: is Bigfoot more man or more ape? Depending on your response, this might be the most realistic Bigfoot costume of the lot.
Anyway, the garb itself will keep you warm for east-coast Halloween night. It also appears that this chap is flat-faced. Like, no dimension to the mask… just a cardboard cutout essentially. I could be wrong, but I can’t seem to find a product image from the side. If you like a little more definition in your masks, I’d consider something else.
Judge Reviews:
The Crypto Creep:
The look of determination in that bigfoot’s face is not enough to save this outfit. 1/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Is he mad because he has arthritis in his hands? This Bigfoot costume gives the others some stiff competition.

Contestant 3: ROYGBIV-Foot
From: RG Costumes
Size: One size
Material: 100% Polyester
Click here for price
Black and brown… how boring. How about a red Bigfoot? Or yellow, white, purple, pink, or green? This Bigfoot suit is perfect for those who can’t make up their mind. So you want to be Sasquatch this year for Halloween? But what KIND of Sasquatch do you feel inside? Tropical? Go lime-green. Psychedelic? How about pink or purple? Scared of getting hit by a truck while you’re haunting the Halloween night? You must go banana yellow. Think of this great Bigfoot costume from RG Costumes as an inner mood ring for your inner wild, cryptid. See links to all 9 unique colors below.
Judge Reviews:
Lindsey Goddard:
This must be the Sasquatch family oddball: Smallfoot.

Contestant 4: Look What I Found
From: HouseHaunters
Size: One Size
Material: 100% Polyester, PANTS NOT INCLUDED
Click here for price
I am a big fan of these one-person illusion costumes, and this one is one of the more unique I have seen. This Bigfoot Costume will confuse the hell out of kids on Halloween…. so you know it will be a blast.
Reviews of this item note that the plastic “bamboo” cage rungs are a bit fragile, so be careful when you’re out being tossed around by your drunk Bigfoot captor. If you’re over 6’3″ you will likely bump your head up against the cage as well, so watch out.
Judge Reviews:
Cryptids-are-out-there: I can’t help but think there’s some deep metaphor or irony in here about Colonialism, but this isn’t Heart of Darkness, so Bigfoot, you’re doing amazing sweetie. 6/10
The Crypto Creep:
The greatest part about this costume is the look of longing in the gorillas eyes. It looks both excited and terrified of what it might get into with it’s now caged man. 5/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Desperate to win first place, this partygoer decided to strike a different pose when they announced the costume contest as “no holds barred”. Haha. I love the idea. Really cool… but it might get annoying to have a monkey on your back all night. That’s two puns for the price of one, folks. Should I go for a third? Okay: What do you get when you cross a prisoner and a gorilla? A Kong-vict!The Haunted Housewife:
Gotta hand it to the designers, this one is clever. My first order of business as an animal would be to cage the humans. You can’t blame me, though… I’m a crowd-hating introvert. Bigfoot has the right idea: staying in the woods, unseen…

Contestant 5: CharSquatch
From: Seasons USA
Size: One Size
Material: Polyester, Acrylic
Click here for price
Even though this Bigfoot costume might appear more like an angry soot-covered, homeless guy in a giant fur coat than an angry Sasquatch (see Mulholland Drive), I still love this item. It has the most unique face of all the contestants in the contest and should truly frighten the children: a massive bonus.
A hoaxer might consider this costume as well, especially if you’re trying to leave a dark, lasting impression on your victims. In that respect, this might be your most realistic Bigfoot costume. All pieces are included: jumpsuit, mask, hands, and feet!
Judge Reviews:
I love this costume. It’s got a hint of “I almost died in the club tonight” mixed with the classic “obviously fake Bigfoot costume.” It’s like one step below Lost Tapes quality and embodies the “life is terrible but here I am anyway” mentality that we need. 7/10The Crypto Creep:
While I appreciate the elderly stanky leg I have a problem with how this Sasquatch suit is not fitted. I’d much prefer to see abs, biceps, and thighs being served along with that well-sculpted face. 6/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Super awesome. The hands and feet are nicely detailed; the fur looks soft, and the facial expression is positively GQ. Is it just me, or is he biting his lower lip in a sultry “come hither” sort of way?The Haunted Housewife:
The hands on this costume really freak me out. Something about the face reminds me of Jack Nicholson, but I’m also totally getting a “Char Man” from Beetlejuice vibe. Of all the costumes on this list I think this one is the most menacing. Don’t reach for me, or try to touch me with this thing on. Please.

Contestant 6: Caged Up Sasquatch Suit
From: Forum Novelties
Size: One Size
Material: 100% Polyester
Click here for price
Thinking about being a Bigfoot-themed rectangle this Halloween? Look no further than his unique costume from Forum Novelties.
The idea is wonderful. It’s actually the opposite of the Human on Display costume. But does it deliver visually? I’m not so sure. Maybe if the arms came THROUGH the patchwork of rusty bars I’d feel more pleased by the appearance.
These caged/mad gorilla costumes are interesting. Are they all just derivatives of King Kong? Upon closer research, I do believe the concept of scary gorillas in pop culture all stared with the 1933 classic. In cinema, if an idea (creature, character, theme) succeeds, you must squeeze every hairy, snarling drop out of it. A blast of Gorilla b-movies erupted throughout most of the 20th century, cementing the mad gorilla as a sci-fi/horror staple.
Anyways, the costume is considered easy to wear. Just step into it from the back opening. There are also two other caged-in characters available: a convict and a skeleton. But let’s stick with the Gorilla, ok? We need more Bigfoot out there.
Judge Reviews:
F R E E H I M (2/10)The Crypto Creep:
Why is it wearing shoes? You can’t tell me that this gorilla walked up into one of JC Penney’s closing stores and said “I’ll take the slip-proof dockers.” 4/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Seriously? Who goes through the effort of wearing this outfit all night and pairs it with boots? Boots! It throws the whole thing off. If anyone buys this costume, please order some feet, too!The Haunted Housewife:
Hey! Those are some nice boots. I can’t have some schmuck in a caged gorilla suit out-dressing me, I say we keep him caged. The boots come off!

Contestant 7: Bigfoot from Another Planet
From: Morphsuits
Size: M-XL
Material: Polyester & Spandex
Click here for price
Perhaps the strangest costume in the pageant, this skintight selection is an allover print of a Gorilla…. I think. Might be more of an orangutan. Needless this to say, this might not be the most realistic Bigfoot costume. But who cares, you’re going to get a lot of conversation out of it!
If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re a character in a Nintendo 64 game, put on this hilarious polygonal Bigfoot suit.
You can see, breathe, talk, and even drink through the fabric. How convenient, to be able to breathe.
Overall, these ‘Morphsuits’ are interesting. They are half-spandex and made to be skintight, so I’m not sure how comfortable they are. Many of the reviews cite small-fit, so order it a little larger. Very cool idea, though. If for some reason, you’re not feeling apeish this year, check out one of their other bizarre creations, including skintight King Cobra, skintight Bat creature, skintight Werewolf, and of course, everyone’s favorite creature: the skintight Boil Monster.
Judge Reviews:
Too scrawny. It doesn’t help that the face looks like it was shrunk in Microsoft Paint and then enlarged 2 seconds later. Additionally, any Sasquatch suit where you’re at risk of showing a dick outline should throw up some red flags. My jimmies are rustled. 3/10The Crypto Creep:
This is the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. 10/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
This is bizarre. Do you remember that lady who tried to “fix” the painting of Jesus and completely repainted the figure to look so much worse? This is the equivalent of that, Bigfoot style.The Haunted Housewife:
Yikes! It’s literally a gorilla printed morph suit, but those eyes! You may be able to trick your half-blind grandparents into believing you brought home a puppy, if they crawl around on the floor with the Sasquatch suit on. Those eyes may melt hearts, but the rest of the suit I definitely saw in Signs.

Contestant 8: Lil’ Foot
From: HouseHaunters
Size: One Size
Material: 100% Synthetic Sasquatch Suit
Click here for price
Win the party this year with Costume Agent’s Piggy-back Sasquatch.
Make the kiddies laugh and impress that special someone with your special sense of humor… and your special appreciation of cryptid hominoids. Hop around the night on the shoulders of this smiling lil’ Squatch and stomp across the floor with the delightfully oversized big feet. Props to Costume Agent for adding that detail. Judging by the reviews, this Bigfoot suit is easy to put on and easy to wear & adjust. The hands even act as beer can holders!! Amazing.
Again, if you’re not feeling particularly Squatchy this season, Costume Agent provides a huge spectrum of alternatives (see below).
Judge Reviews:
“One night I dreamed a dream. As I was walking along the beach with Bigfoot. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, One belonging to me and one to Bigfoot. After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints. This really troubled me, so I asked Bigfoot about it. “Bigfoot, you said once I decided to follow you, You’d walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.” He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.” This bigfoot is a friend who will raise you up. 10/10The Crypto Creep:
I hate it! 0/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
Wow. This Bigfoot suit has a TON of great reviews on Amazon. I was going to mock it (ex: “Were the designers on drugs?”), but who am I to squash the joy of so many others? Better to Sasquatch their joy.The Haunted Housewife:
What in the wild hell is going on here? In all my days, I haven’t sat and stared at a costume for as long as I’ve stared at this one. This may be my favorite out of the bunch because of how bizarre and poorly done it is. File this under: Photos That Make Me Go “Hmm.” I also might have saved it to my wishlist. I’m sorry, mom and dad.

Contestant 9: Gorilla Face
From: California Costumes
Size: One Size
Material: 84% Polyester, 16% Acrylic
Click here for price
This is a solid gorilla that will work perfectly as a Bigfoot Costume. With a quizzical facial expression and fantastic range-of-movement, this entrant is one of the favorites to take the top prize.
The costume includes mask, hands, feet, chest-piece, and full bodysuit. It also comes in lime green, neon pink, and dark purple selections if you’re feeling friskier than usual on Halloween. And really confuse your deep-woods hoaxing victims with a bright Sasquatch suit. On second thought, spare the country a hot round of gun control debates, and just jump out of a box like a normal person. This hilarious video demonstrates this Bigfoot costume in action.
If Sasquatch is indeed just some sort of upright walking gorilla, then this might just be the single most realistic Bigfoot costume in the lineup.
Judge Reviews:
The Crypto Creep:
If it comes with the banana it’s a 9/10, if not well you ruined a GREAT COSTUME. 7/10 skunkapesLindsey Goddard:
This Bigfoot suit reminds me of the old joke: “What do you feed a 600 pound gorilla? Anything it wants!” This could be a stellar Bigfoot costume with a few simple alterations.

Contestant 10: Hairy Jerry
From: Forum Novelties
Size: One Size
Material: 100% Polyester
Click here for price
The fit on this Sasquatch suit is a bit different than the other Bigfoot costume contestants. Overall, it is more baggy with MC hammer level pant split. It’s also super hairy, so get ready to tickle fellow party-goers all night.
Of course, you will “go bananas!”, as they say, for this ‘Sasquatch suit.’ It has a molded plastic chest so you can dare your buddy to punch you, and it’s wild enough to scare unassuming teenagers. Jumpsuit, gloves, feet, and rubber mask are included with this product.
It has an air of creepiness to it as well, with wide, blank white eyes. Staring is not only rude, it’s creepy as well. Reviews suggest you may have to open those peepers a little for full vision on a dark night.
Judge Reviews:
The Crypto Creep:
Once again there are two fake gorilla nipples staring back at my soul. As well as a gorilla that looks surprised someone just took its picture. But I do like the gloves and feet I guess. 5/10 skunkapes
Lindsey Goddard:
This Sasquatch looks like he just walked in on Grandma and Grandpa Bigfoot getting primal in the bedroom. His expression is priceless! Still, though, lose the banana and you’ve got a pretty decent Sasquatch suit, even if his face makes you ask, “Who so serious, bro?”
Winners of the Bigfoot Costume Halloween Pageant:
Now that we’ve met the contestants, it is time to hand out the awards. Without further ado, the best Sasquatch costumes on the market today.
Scariest Bigfoot Costume
Winner: CharSquatch
This ugly, coal black, snarling mug will terrify the crowds this year. CharSquatch might possess the only face in the lineup I would be shocked to see in a poorly lit alley or deep woods trail (hoaxers, you better not even think about it!). If Bigfoot is a strange man/ape, nasty hybrid this might be considered a very realistic Bigfoot costume.
Bigfoot Base and the panel of judges loved its raw, dirty visage, so the award for scariest Bigfoot costume EASILY goes to Char-Squatch.
Most Comfortable/Funnest Bigfoot Costume
Winner: Lil’ Foot
Hitch a ride this year and let Lil’ Foot carry you around the party. If you are trying to 1) keep it simple 2) keep it comfortable, and 3) keep it Squatchy, then this piggyback Bigfoot is the perfect garb for you. Ease of wear allows you to throw on a hat, put on a jacket when you go out, take it off in a hot building, run around in a haunted house with perfect vision, and much more.
… not to mention there are beer holders in the hands!! What a bonus.
Piggyback Bigfoot easily wins for funnest Bigfoot costume, as well. I confidently proclaim that you WILL be a big draw at the party. You might even saddle up with another Bigfoot rider at your Fall fiesta. Or even a Leprechaun!
Best Overall Bigfoot Suit: Runner Up
Runner Up: Gorilla Face
This is a classic gorilla costume. While you might not be tagged as Bigfoot immediately, you can easily channel your inner Squatchiness in this comfortable, flexible costume.
In this great apesuit, you will easily be able to pop out of the bushes, climb trees, scream at people across the street, shotgun a beer, pinball bounce around the bar, and somersault into bed at the end of the night. A perfect Bigfoot evening, if you ask me.
Overall Best Bigfoot Suit
Winner: SquatchNasty
The winner of the Bigfoot costume Halloween showdown is definitely Mr. SquatchNasty. While I was hesitant to award this best Sasquatch suit, since it is so common, it actually covers a lot of bases for folks who need to scratch their Bigfoot itch this year.
This Bigfoot suit will provide a bits of humor, bits of horror, and of course, it’s actually marketed as Sasquatch… which counters what I said earlier. But if you want people to look at you and scream “AH!! BIGFOOT!!” then this is THE Bigfoot suit you want to go with!
This was a really fun read!
One of the better sasquatch costume review sites out there, and that’s saying something
SquatchNasty was my fave from the ones you selected, even if it wasn’t rated the highest. Plus, with a name like that…it’s hard to lose. Thanks for letting me help “judge”!
This was a really fun read!
I love this post, and not only because I contributed (well, I mean… that too, but mostly because it’s hilarious). Congratulations to the winners, I knew CharSquatch had it in the bag all along! I was rooting for Lil’ Foot, too.