Could there be Sasquatch living in east-central Illinois? Two reports over a ten-year span and one incredible footprint have definitely peeked my interest. There may very well be a population of Bigfoot thriving in the Land of Lincoln.
Mid-2000s Activity
In October 2005, a man night-fished at a pond in Kickapoo State Park. Abruptly, two massive splashes erupted from the Vermillion river behind him (he stood in-between the pond and the river).
“My first thought was a deer bounded across the river, then I heard the most awful scream I’ve ever heard. Almost immediately after the scream, I could hear what sounded like a scuffle in the dry leaves. After the rustling in the leaves stopped, I could hear what sounded like a large cat breathing hard or “purring”. “
The man grew up in the area and was an avid outdoorsman. The minute-long purring sounded like nothing he ever heard before.
The following summer, the man returned to Kickapoo. As he drove through the park, a “terrible musky stench” filled the air. While this could be any dead animal, it is notable in relation to an encounter ten years later.
2015 Encounter
On November 12th, 2015 a man hunted deer in Kickapoo State Park. As he sat in a tree stand awaiting some prey, a deep growl and then bizarre screams sounded from deep in the woods. Suddenly, several deer flew from the same spot where he determined the scream came from. They acted frightened. He shot at one.
Not willing to dedicate himself to the idea there was a literal Bigfoot in his midst, he dismounted the tree stand to follow the wounded deer. As he moved through the forest down a hill, the eerie growls returned.
“As I started down a small hill I began hearing these noises again. It was as if I could feel these screaming growling noises in my body. I kept hearing what I thought may have been falling tree branches or something. I looked up on this hill side 30 yards from me and seen a sillhouette of something huge. I quickly headed out of the woods and continued hearing the noises all the way out.”
Still not recognizing his dangerous proximity to a potential Sasquatch, the man returned to the spot with his father-in-law the next day (perhaps he was trying to get rid of him a la Adrienne Barbeau in Creepshow? Haha). As they searched for the wounded deer, the men felt eyes on them the entire time. A terrible odor enveloped the woods:
“A very strong pungent odor. Kind of a cross of something dead and the urine of many different types of animals.”
The strange feelings took over and they soon left.
2015 Foot Print
The hunter returned to the spot in April 2015 to hunt mushrooms. He had no luck with the shrooms, but eventually the same heavy odor hit his nostrils. This time, he felt the urgency to evacuate the situation. He scurried out into “the grassy area” en route to the car and found something remarkable in the ground:
“A single foot print it was the left foot and was very large . The print was a good one very detailed you could see the toes and everything.I wear a size 13 and this print was way bigger than my foot.”
Now, with a visual indicator of the putrid phantom in the woods growling, screaming, and watching him all these visits, the man felt intense fright. He quickly left, but not before taking a photo of his amazing discovery.

from the BFRO
Illinois: The Ultimate Midwestern Sasquatch Hotspot?
Believe it or not, Illinois ranks NUMBER FOUR (!) for Sasquatch sightings, topping popularly perceived hotspots like Texas, Oregon, Ohio, and Michigan. As of the summer of 2018, there have been 298 sightings, trailing Florida by just 25 reports. The most recent report was in April, 2018. Why is this area so conducive for Sasquatch activity?
Much like Salt Fork State Park in Ohio, the 2,842 acres of Kickapoo State Recreation Area features many waterways; especially ponds, creeks, streams, and rivers. The Middle Fork Vermillion River runs straight down through the park with plenty of small offshoots like the Glenburn Creek. These could all be very effective routes for the creautures to use.
The land was even used for coal strip-mining operations in the early 20th century. Perhaps there are caverns and large enough spaces underground where these things could live? If Sasquatch were to live anywhere, I would reckon a cave would be the most adequate.
Note: This report was originally recorded on the BFRO website and later featured on
This is Central Illinois…there are no bears at all
I know Sasquatch is real but I got my doubts about that foot print.
7 ton animal print lmao and yeah stepping straight down that makes sense.. people go walk in mud that will make you squish this much and see you step straight up and down
How heavy was this 3 tons to sink that much????? Yall are dumb to even try to think thats real lmao
You really need to do more research omg bigfoot is an extraterrestrial
U obviously don’t know what ur even talking about Bigfoot is an extraterrestrial
He’s realllllllllll
I don’t see a mid-tarsel break.
I agree on the possible bear print. So far sasquatch foot casts generally show the heel to be as wide as the toe. This track dramatically tapers from the toe to heel. Also, the dirt looks a little planted. There is green and healthy grass poking through the cracked and thin layer of the print. It also looks like a lot of press marks throughout the track. But I’m no expert.
Something about it looks fake, not saying it is but was there a mud puddle there before the print was made, cause where’s the grass? Also looks like there’s an extra print of something in the heal area.
no, it does not
Looks like a smudged bear paw print
There are no bears in this park.