Cobfoot? Shucksquatch? The wild maize-man?
If you’re cruising through the Cornhusker State this Friday February the 17th, head over to the C3 Hotel for a delicious weekend helping of Sasquatch. The event is only $10 and features some fantastic speakers, including Fouke/Boggy Creek Monster expert and author Lyle Blackburn.
Who organized this conference?
Harriet McFeely was only 8 years old when the the Shipton Yeti prints were discovered; an event that sparked a lifelong fascination and dedication to the field. Currently, she is an investigator with Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies (S.I.R.) and seems like a real nice lady:
“It is my hope that having a Nebraska Bigfoot Conference will provide education and increase interest not only in the Sasquatch, but also in all of the mysteries and challenges of our natural world.”
Presenting this inaugural event, Harriet is joined by fellow researchers and Sasquatch enthusiasts Robin Roberts and Ellen Vee. One of, if not the only, all-girl team of active researchers, Harriet knew this was a dynamic squad more than capable of leading Nebraska into the growing world of Bigfoot conferences. Per Harriet:
“We’ve got a power machine going here right now. We’ve got five girls that are doing this Bigfoot conference and we’re all researchers. We go out and we camp out and we have a blast.”
Who is speaking at the Nebraska Bigfoot Conference?
Harriet, Robin, and Ellen put together a nice crew of speakers for this very first event. Lyle Blackburn, Fouke/Boggy Creek expert, author, musician, and cryptid-researcher headlines the conference. Most recently, Lyle starred in the powerful and compelling documentary Boggy Creek Monster.
Also stomping the stage will be the production team of David Ford & Stuart Miller, known for Something in the Woods (2016), Jericho (2016), and Czar (2017); S.I.R. researcher Mike Johnson, Missouri Bigfoot Researcher and Musician Scotty Plowman; and, of course, S.I.R. investigator Robin Roberts with her personal canine bodyguard Roo.

Lyle Blackburn, author, researcher, and musician
Are there many Bigfoot sightings in Nebraska?
Not too many according to the BFRO. There are only 14 registered sightings.
The most recent BFRO-reported sighting took place in Howard County in 2008.
The most recent “Class A” report was filed in August, 2005 detailing a 2002 event in Douglas County. Just before sunrise one day the witness, an elderly woman, let her dogs out into her large spread of backyard that led up to a wooded area. The dogs immediately sprinted outside to the treeline. Curious, the woman walked out into the dark morning to investigate. She arrived about twenty feet from the edge. Beyond the chain-link fence surrounding her property, she observed something frightening.
In-between the fence and trees was a seven-foot-tall, muscular “thing” with deep-set eyes, a prominent brow, fat neck, massive hands, and extremely long “ape-like” arms. It was covered in long brown hair, like a dog.
Eerily, the being jumped from side-to-side. It leaped three times from one tree to another. When it hopped towards the fence, the woman frantically ran inside with her dogs.

Nebraska Sasquatch sightings
For more information about this inaugural event, shoot over to the conference website. Have a good time!