Professional Tracker Watches a Sasquatch Carry Away Dead Black Bear

bigfoot dead bear

Here’s a bizarre story I stumbled upon recently. We can’t determine the true source, but regardless of authenticity, it is a very compelling account. Check it out:

“I’m a professional back country tracker and scout. I used to work for the US Forestry Service, which is why I didn’t want my name used.

In June of 2016 I was tasked to do a bear count in the Cascades Mountains of Washington State. It was there that I first came in contact with what the forest service calls the North American Gorilla.”

On the morning of June 4 the tracker walked a half-mile down the Bald Eagle Ridge trail. They observed signs of a potentially large animal crossing back-and-forth across the path. The rocky terrain made it difficult to determine what exactly created the tracks, and the evidence disappeared at the edge of a steep ravine dropoff.

Determined to discover the source, the tracker spent two hours moving down adjacent trails to the bottom of the valley. They emerged from the treeline into the Cadet Creek.

The smell of death filled the valley.

“It was then that I saw a large animal standing on the other side of the creek about forty-feet away. It was at least 7-8 feet tall and looked to be close to 700 pounds. I could hardly believe what I was seeing.”

The creature looked at them and released a “gut-wrenching” scream. It then leaned down and picked up the carcass of a full grown black bear. With the ungodly grace and strength only a giant could wield, the Sasquatch slung the bear over its shoulder. It effortlessly walked up a nearly vertical slope and disappeared into the thick treeline.

The tracker admits there was a steady decline in the black bear population at that time. They now believe the creatures made black bears their main food source.


  1. Anonymous

    Skeptic says; I really would like to put this entire sasquatch or Bigfoot thing to rest.

  2. Duhhhh

    The reason people keep their sightings a secret is because nimrods with inferiority complex have a tendency to laugh or judge others because they cant wrap their peabrains around the fact that it doesn’t fit into their lil bubble world…. When there are credible witnesses along with tracks, dna, sightings and hair/fur it is considered legitimate. Yellowstone national park was never believed to exist and people laughed at those who tried to describe it! Open your minds peabrains the earth as well as the universe is a hell of alot bigger than your measly little world….

    1. Somewhere in rural Maine

      I totally agree with your statement! They either can’t admit the fact that we are not the only ones here, or they don’t want to believe?? They are not the superior creatures they think they are. My husband and myself have seen and heard some crazy things here in Maine. So I have no doubt on this topic, whatsoever.

  3. Skeptic

    I really would like to put this entire sasquatch or Bigfoot thing to rest. Look, as much as I watch the shows on TV about this stuff, and read articles in just about every form, how is it that after hundreds of years, even over the past 50 years or so, with so much more scientific knowledge and wisdom about, that NOBODY can show real proof, physical full size creature to prove once and for all that they do exist. As much as I would like to believe and see proof of one, until someone can show real evidence that has a “leg to stand on” what is there to believe other than made up stories to try to capture some attention. And some of these shows they put on TV now about groups who are trying to capture these creatures are ridiculous. Look, I am not saying that they don’t exist, I am just saying, just show some real evidence. Not just a pic of what looks like could be an sasquatch type creature, but “show me the money” if you will. Bring hard evidence to actual scientists to once and for all, validate the proof that they are out there. Look, I have seen and heard, even felt the presence of spirits or unknown voices or sounds, even objects moving by themselves, indicating some other dimension to our life. I believe in things that can exist and cannot be explained, but how can you tell me that a creature that presents itself physically to people, cannot be caught, has never been shot and killed for evidence or been truly confirmed unsubstantiated? It would be interesting if someone were to place a reward for the capture of such a creature, dead or alive, how long it would take to see one confirmed. You could put the reward at a billion dollars and would still never see real evidence. Come on people, can we finally put this to rest and agree this is more folklore than anything?

    1. Anonymous

      Skeptic, so YOU would kill an obviously sentient being to prove to YOU it exists? Then, you’re a bigger monster than the most violent Bigfoot has ever been reputed to be.

      1. Johann Fagley

        Agreed, we should not kill what ever they truly are.
        My only thought is this. What do we do in the unlikely event of being
        attached? Then what would you or anyone do?

        1. Anonymous

          stand your ground then leave.

    2. Jack Gunner

      Skeptic, so YOU would kill an obviously sentient being to prove to YOU it exists? Then, you’re a bigger monster than the most violent Bigfoot has ever been reputed to be.

    3. Anonymous

      Hello, I was face to face with a “Bigfoot” in the spring of 75 or 76. I was turkey hunting in Ozark Co. Mo and was walking on the shoulder of double FF I believe. I looked across the road and saw this creature step back behind a tree that did not hide the width of it’s shoulders or chest. I stopped and it leaned out again and the arm almost touched the ground, past it’s knee. I was carrying a 12 ga. shot gun with a magnum load of 4 shot so I wasn’t afraid
      for my safety, load is deadly at 20 yards or so. Just back from Nam in 71 so I had no fear. After 40 seconds or so I continued to my hunting blind. I kept looking over my shoulder the whole time in the blind. Just in order to help you this was about 15 or 20 miles from Gainseville Mo.

    4. dale a richardson

      you will never see one, but I have and you can’t stand it.

  4. Jerry

    It appears that only the text in italics is from the witness. The rest looks like an unwanted summary from who knows. Would like to see original report.

  5. Marcus

    Twas 2000,hiking in the Appalachian mountains with my three Daughters of roughly 4,6,and 7yrs old,when we ran rite into an eight foot tall Bigfoot.I sprained an ankle,suffered numerous cuts and comtusions,escaping that terrible beast,so that I could bring back vital help for my three helpless babies🙄

  6. Providence Freedom

    This seems like the most credible account. I am wondering why they are saying oh this and that about the story do not match. Protesting too loudly. And so precisely! Big Foot is real and to claim that the park service has no knowledge of any such creature is completely and utterly ludicrous! 411 411 411


    I agree. Sounds hinky. My father, wife and most of my adult friends work/ worked for either the USDA Forest Service or various state forest service departments. Never heard one of then use the term “forestry service” to describe their employer or place of employment but have heard it from a lot of “outsiders”. As far as Sasquatch utilizing black bear for food that is plausible..if accepting their reported size and strength and demeanor … it would be no match for a club-wielding or cobble throwing Sasquatch to dispatch a black bear. Nothing like a greasy hunk of bear to settle the stomach. (does sasquatch shit bear in the woods?). Also none of my family and friends ever indicated that the US Forest Service or state agencies recognized a “North American Gorilla”, although some of the less appreciative foresters did indeed call us loggers ‘timber apes’.


    I think he is telling the truth, he might have gotten his job description wrong.

  9. Jim

    I stumbled on this link from the Anomalist. I’m a field biologist, and I can tell you that this story is completely fabricated. When a federal or state agency wants to assess a wildlife population, they don’t employ a “professional back country tracker and scout,” but rather use one of their teams of ecologists or contract with an academic lab. The Forest Service (not “Forestry” Service) isn’t going to ask some guy to just go walk around in the woods and look for black bears, the data from something like that would be entirely worthless. The idea that the Forest Service has unofficially recognized this purported animal is also laughable. Field tech jobs for USDA or Department of the Interior agencies don’t typically don’t require security clearances, so how could they possibly keep it a secret?


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