Just like all Bigfoot stories we can only sit, listen and mold images and opinions with the details given. And with all Bigfooters, I especially perk up when the details feel right; when you’re connecting as many dots of rationality as you can. Most of the time these dots float in solitude i.e. shit doesn’t add up, but compelling Bigfoot stories are something great. And they are truly memorable when delivered with heart.

Tim Hall delivers his Great Smoky Mountains Bigfoot story in his living room
I absolutely love Tim Hall’s Bigfoot story. Essentially a five minute tale buffered with ten to twelve minutes of weird background details and granular, pointless notes; he performs the retelling with such a magnetic conviction. Originally published on a Youtube page that doesn’t exist anymore, the encounter reached broader audiences via Sasquatch Chronicles, or, at-the-time, Bigfoot Hotspot Radio. That’s where I heard it for the first time, and this is interestingly the story that reignited my passion for the topic.
Here’s the tale, courtesy of Bigfoot Hotspot Radio. You can find the reuploaded version on their current site here, Sasquatch Chronicles.
The story is ridiculous. It’s hilarious. It’s swamped in irrelevant explanations and is just completely oversalted, but god damnit I love it. The man’s a great talker and I truly believe his story about that night up on Mt. LeConte. I listen to it all the time. And right there in the middle really is a terrifying encounter of six men completely frozen in fear by something outside their small cabin. What did Tim and his five young friends hear on that remote, snowy mountain in Smoky Mountains National Park? And what the hell tried to ferociously break down their cabin door? This is one of the few Bigfoot stories that I return to.
In the midst of my born again Bigfootery, I played Tim’s story for my parents and girlfriend on the way to Yosemite National Park a few summers ago. I was pumped. THIS was going to sell them. I sorted through all the compelling Bigfoot stories I found on Youtube and Bigfoot Hotspot Radio, and decided this was going to be the one; THE story that would freak my family into believing. So I pressed play. What happened? I was met with impatient disdain after the twelfth mention of a “looong, haaaard hike” and laughed out of the car on the wave of Tim’s “OH DEAR GOD!!!”
So it goes for the lonesome Bigfooter. But I guarantee you they at least enjoyed the story.
— AJ
In 1975 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers listed Sasquatch as a species of the state of Washington. Get the Bigfoot Bulletin and see the controversial page right now! SIGN UP BELOW:
They’ve GOT to kill one to prove existence once and for all. Otherwise, the “evidence” is all bullshit.
This is really a nice place.