15 Incredible Bigfoot Sightings of the 21st Century 2/2


#5 The Independence Day Bigfoot Sighting

YEAR: 2012

This video clip, like basically any compelling, recorded Bigfoot sighting, features a touch of controversy. No one really knows where it came from and there’s strange internet gossip about a man named Leroy who created the suit. He apparently wanted to show off his own epic skills as a costume maker while mirroring the famous Patterson/Gimlin footage. Unfortunately, no one knows.

This Bigfoot sighting is very compelling. Perhaps most interesting is our first look at what appears to be a baby Bigfoot pushing away from its parent’s chest. This two-minute video shows a distinct, bipedal, ape-like creature moving through a boulder field. It appears that the footage was recorded in the Pacific Northwest, but no one can be certain.

If this footage came out 25 years ago, I guarantee our collective jaws would drop. Unfortunately, it’s so difficult to verify modern Bigfoot sightings on video. The zoomed footage shows a tiny touch of weird edges around the subject and the creature doesn’t move with the brilliant grace so often described by witnesses. It’s a bit stubby. But if true, this is easily the clearest image of a Sasquatch we’ve seen since the famed Patterson Gimlin film of 1967. Have a look at tell me what you think.

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#4 The 3am Visitor

YEAR: 2015
LOCATION: Gainestown GA

After a festive Fourth of July family reunion, a young man in Clarke County, Alabama, spent the night on his cousin’s sofa. At 3:30am he awoke to the family dogs barking wildly. Then the dogs went suddenly silent, and a sound from the front porch made him sit up and peer out the window.

The porch light revealed a large creature hunched over the garbage bags of party scraps. The arms, about four to five-feet-long with fingers like “Snickers bars with fingernails,” easily ripped into the bags. The creature was about eight-feet-tall, about 800 pounds, and covered in reddish dark brown hair about four to five inches long. The creature was very muscular with huge broad feet. It had a “very bad smell like cheese gone bad.”

The young man watched in awe for about twenty minutes while the creature rummaged. Suddenly the “thing” loped off down the road and disappeared. When he told his cousin about it, she replied that the family had already had several encounters. When she had heard the creature coming that night, she thought to herself, “I told him about this thing and he just laughed, so who’s laughing now.”

Later, BFRO investigators examined finger and hand prints on the outside of the trailer. The prints were at least twice the size of an average man’s. The family recounted several other Sasquatch sightings in the nearby area.

Check out the full, creepy encounter at the BFRO and

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#3 The Grinning Sasquatch

LOCATION: Manitoba, Canada
YEAR: 2013

“You could not mistake this for a human being.”

Bigfoot sightings don’t just happen to excited hillbillies. People of all backgrounds witness these amazing beings: hunters, law enforcement, park rangers, minsters, and people who work with wildlife on a regular basis.

The witness, Petra, has an extensive history with wildlife. She was a veterinarian technician and even worked for the government, helping the Department of Natural Resource (DNR) with injured wildlife rehabilitation. This included large mammals like bear. Her trained eye provides us incredible notes on the appearance and behavior of these creatures.

Every day at 5:30am, Petra walked for an hour. Her small town in Manitoba Canada, borders deep wilderness. She would often make her way out to the lake.

As daylight crept up that morning, she walked across a causeway, or walkway, just barely above some blasted granite on her way deeper into the woods. Down in the lake 100 feet away, she noticed a large bear defecating in the water. After a moment, “the weirdest looking bear” she had ever seen stood up on two legs. It moved in a way that “defied all the laws of nature”, almost gliding up the rocky hillside with no effort.


Petra’s notes on the body of the Sasquatch:

  • Jet black coat with tinges of red
  • The hair on the head and shoulders was six-inches long
  • The hair laid in a way that made it look like it was wearing a cape
  • The overall body was huge
  • Massive barrel-chest
  • Shoulder width of four-feet
  • Eight-feet tall standing up
  • The arms were significantly longer than human arms
  • The hands hung low below the knees


It floated to the treeline like it was on skates, but then unexpectedly turned to face her. The creature turned its entire upper body to look at her with a menacing, creepy grin. Petra provided even more notes on the face:

  • The upper lip is thin, but it’s huge
  • The space between the top lip and the bottom of the nose is double the size of what humans have
  • The mouth is huge, and made her think of a trash can where you step on the pedal and the lid opens up
  • The bottom jaw is incredible and the shape of the chin reminded her of a Roman helmet
  • Massive eye sockets
  • Wide-bridged nose, much larger than a humans. It had a flat nose with downturned nostrils.
  • Overall, it seemed like a pin-head.
  • Possessed a semblance of a sagittal crest (the classic cone-head looking Bigfoot).

Listen to the rest of Petra’s amazing encounter over at Sasquatch Chronicles.

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#2 The Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape Footage

LOCATION: Lettuce Lake Park, Florida
YEAR: 2017

The Lettuce Lake footage is arguably the most compelling Bigfoot sighting caught on video from the 21st century. Local man Matt McKamey and a friend caught this dark, tall, lithe figure on camera one hot day in Lettuce Lake Florida. They canoed through a swampy area of the park and noticed this eerie shape in the distance. The zoomed footage reveals a striking man-like creature with a nested, cone-shaped head. At first, it appeared to handle an unknown object. After it noticed the nearing canoe, the swamp “thing” descends from its perch and glides through the muck into the background.

As Matt says in the video, a potential hoaxer would have to contend with alligators and cottonmouth snakes, not to mention the stifling Florida heat.

Phil Poling of the ParaBreakdown YouTube channel struggled to identify any detail that outright proves it is a hoax. He agrees with McKamey’s sentiment that the hoaxer would have a rough time in those conditions, and thus, somewhat unlikely that it would be an elaborate ruse:

“I must agree that it would seem unlikely for somebody to want to dress up in a costume and wade around in a Florida swamp, just for the sake of a video prank.”

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#1 Tracey G’s Encounter

LOCATION: Iuka, Mississippi
YEAR: 2012

“I swear I am not lying. I am not making this up. I could never make anything like this up.”

Tracey G’s Bigfoot sighting is one of the scariest I’ve ever heard.

This story was originally told to Wes Germer and friends on the 75th episode of Sasquatch Chronicles.

At the time of this Bigfoot sighting, Tracey was an Alabama delivery man. He drove a tall, white van and regularly transported this-and-that into neighboring Mississippi. On a hot, stormy July night 2012, he drove into the state on a job, eventually headed up to Tennessee. On a stretch leading to the city of Iuka, the serpentine belt of his truck snapped and wrapped around the engine. He pulled over and called his boss. Help was on the way.

Growing bored waiting for help, Tracey climbed into the back to straighten up his cargo. The truck grew steamy in the southern storm. He opened the sliding cargo door for some air. A short time later he needed to urinate. Tracey checked for oncoming cars, noted his aloneness, and started peeing out the truck. A moment later, a snort of some kind startled him. He leaned out the open door and came face to face with a monster:

“I stick my head out the door. And I’m looking 12 inches away face to face with something ive never seen in my whole life.”

Tracey fell backwards in shock. He backed up against the far end of his van. The creature thrust its face inside the vehicle.

“This thing. It could have easily reached and grabbed my feet. And for a moment I honestly thought that’s what it was going to do.”

Tracey compared it to a theorized version of nasty, apelike Neanderthals presented in the Discovery TV show Them and Us. It stared at the bewildered man. Then it screamed. The entire vehicle shook, hurting Tracey’s ears. The intense scream vibrated the entire truck, including Tracey’s own skull. It made him dizzy. He compared the shriek to the piercing power of a close train horn.

Believing the monster would definitely kill him, Tracey frantically gathered his .45 pistol. Still staring inside the van, the creature noticed the weapon, pursed its lips, whooped loudly, and withdrew into the storm.

Tracey bravely leaned out of the open door, believing the monster still intended to kill him. It emerged from behind the vehicle and darted towards the trees. Tracey fired the gun. Lightning struck a moment later. The sky lit up and he saw his target. Thirty feet away, stood the eight-foot-tall devilish ape man…. next to two more creatures. Tracey slammed the door, jumped into the driver’s seat, and switched on the car. Collective screams from the creatures outside shook him and his vehicle once more. He tore away down the road without headlights or windshield wipers, successfully fleeing to nearby Burnsville MS, no doubt the most important port in a storm he ever had.

Potential encounter location: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/watch-tracys-encounter-location-from-episode-75/

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