Bigfoot evidence comes in many forms. From pictures and videos to footprint casts and first-hand encounters, people across the globe hold passionate conviction of the existence of this cryptic hominid. Although mired in total ambiguity, several fascinating pieces of Bigfoot evidence are out there.
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Bigfoot Pictures
Bigfoot pictures live on a spectrum: Blobsquatch to Sasquatch. Everyone with a mild interest in collecting Bigfoot evidence has seen the endless galleries of humanoid shapes on the internet. That shape is usually in the distance of some grainy forest photo and accompanied by an obnoxious red circle or arrow captioned with “Is this Bigfoot??!!”.
This is Bigfoot evidence that believers can mostly ignore. Some interesting images come through the pipeline every year or so, but they should always be met with scrutiny. Modern technology allows digital manipulation of pictures so easily… especially with pixelated blobs. Unless they are truly compelling– like, I can see the food in their teeth– I would mostly move on.
Admittedly, though, even though the hoax level is high, do not completely cast out this form of Bigfoot evidence. There are actually Bigfoot images I would feel comfortable placing on the table for skeptics. Keep your eyes peeled for any detailed image that surfaced before the mid-nineties, and any Bigfoot picture today that is ridiculous quality. And, as with any piece of Bigfoot evidence, pay attention to the ones accompanied by credible anecdotes from more than one person.
Continue to the Bigfoot pictures page to see a few interesting examples >>
The Wild Creek WA Photograph

1995 photograph taken by a forest patrol officer at Wild Creek in the Mt. Rainier Foothills, north of Ashford WA
Bigfoot Video
Since the 1960s Bigfoot videos have steadily trickled into the public mainstream. While video evidence of Bigfoot would normally solidify proof of the creatures, only a small handful provide compelling details that forward the field. Rather, in modern times, the vast majority of abstract, drone, thermal, and long-distance recordings dilute the true number of compelling Bigfoot videos.
Chief among the compelling crop is the Patterson/Gimlin footage recorded in Bluff Creek, California in the autumn of 1967. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, two part-time Bigfoot enthusiasts, recorded easily the most debated piece of Bigfoot evidence of all time.
Controversy swirls to this day over the authenticity of the footage, but no one can deny its timeless impact on the Bigfoot world.
Head over to the top Bigfoot video page for more compelling examples >>
The Patterson/Gimlin Film:
Perhaps the most compelling piece of recent Bigfoot video evidence comes from Matthew McKamey in Lettuce Lake, Florida. In the short clip a large black figure dismounts a distant log and moves through the water of a swampy thicket. When McKamey looked closer at the video he “noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through the very thick swamp with ease.” Many believe he captured undeniable proof of a “Skunk Ape.”
The Lettuce Lake Footage:
Bigfoot Footprints
The namesake. Large footprints represent the most famous and iconic form of Bigfoot evidence. Enormous footprints attributed to Sasquatch can measure up to 24″ long and 8″ wide. Even dermal ridges (essentially finger prints) appear in many discovered footprints.
This form of Bigfoot evidence is wholly inconsistent. Over the years all types of shapes and sizes have been plaster-casted. These include three-toed and “crippled” foot tracks.
Unfortunately, the potential for fakery is also very strong. For as long as Sasquatch footprints have been found, hoaxers have been making them. They will often use strap-on wooden “big feet” to make larger than life indentations. Footprints devoid of ‘personality’ are usually fakes. These include perfect looking, symmetrical, flat prints. Strong anecdotes and physical location of the track should be strongly considered when evaluating whether or not this is compelling Bigfoot evidence.
Faking a Bigfoot track can be quite difficult, though. Snow tracks would be the easiest to hoax. But a deep trackway discovered in relatively hard ground is very important to note. Take note if you find a consistent line of two-inch deep tracks in a dried riverbed. This is especially so if you found them in the middle of nowhere where humans don’t often travel.
Read more about Bigfoot Footprints here >>